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Hi, I'm Kids Life Coach, Julienne

About Coach J

Hi, I’m Kids Life Coach Julienne. I am on a mission to inspire and empower children to become the best version of themselves. When I was a kid I struggled to find ways to maintain a positive mindset. I often succumbed to stress and allowed it to get the better of me. As a result I grew up overly-anxious, lacked self-confidence and suffered from performance anxiety. Looking back, if I’d had a coach or mentor to help guide me through those psychologically tough periods and teach me tools and skills to overcome the mental challenges, it could’ve helped me tremendously. I believe nowadays that if we teach children about reframing stress, they can learn to use it to their advantage rather than allowing stress to run the show. My parents were good people but they only knew how to parent me with the “tools” they had at the time (how they were parented and any other ideas that seemed reasonable to them at the time). Most parents are trying to do the best they can but due to busy schedules, time limitations, and a lack of knowledge and access to parenting resources, they don’t always know what to do to help their child through the struggles and challenges that life brings. I’ve always enjoyed children and it gives me great pleasure seeing them succeed. It’s a passion of mine to help a struggling child with their challenges. Most of the time it’s the child’s mindset or narrative they’ve created in their mind that holds them back from their success. If we teach children to focus on the things they can control i.e. mindset, self-regulation, a winning attitude, healthy food choices, exercise, sufficient sleep, positive communication skills, and self-care, they can learn to face life’s challenges with aplomb. I often say… “If I’d only known this when I was a child!”. The things I work on with kids are not usually taught in school and they can make a significant difference in a child’s perspective on life. All of my coaching packages are tailored to the specific needs of the child and family. Unfortunately, kids don’t come with an instruction manual and each child is unique so sometimes having a person with a knowledgeable and caring perspective that is neutral to the family can be helpful. I am also happy to coach parents when new strategies are needed for tackling issues.


Individual Life Coaching SessionsTopics we explore to inspire and empower...

Children Embracing in Circle




Tools to cope with challenges, enhances their emotional well-being, and promotes overall mental health.

Time Management

Children learn to prioritize tasks, reduce stress, and develop organizational skills that are vital for academic and personal success.

Leadership skills

Children developing leadership skills learn to inspire, guide, and collaborate with others effectively.


Children learn to embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth and learning.

Children's self-confidence empowers them to take risks, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.

Self Confidence

Stress and the brain

Children's stress can negatively impact brain development, affecting their cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.

Sleep and

the Brain

Sleep is crucial for our brain as it enhances cognitive functions, consolidates memories, and facilitates emotional regulation.

Organizing your life/schedule

Children organizing their life and schedule develop essential time management skills and a sense of responsibility.

Managing big feelings

Children managing big feelings learn emotional regulation, enhancing their resilience and interpersonal relationships.



Children foster critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to navigate challenges independently throughout their lives.

Positive Communication Skills

empowers children to express their needs, build healthy relationships, and navigate social and academic environments effectively.

Resilience building skills

Children building resilience learn to bounce back from setbacks and persist in the face of challenges.

How to handle teasing and mean kids

these skills build their resilience, self-esteem, and ability to navigate social conflicts constructively

Growth Mindset


Fixed Mindset

encourages resilience, a love for learning, and the belief that abilities can be developed through effort and perseverance.

Building perspective/empathy

Children learn to understand and appreciate diverse viewpoints, fostering compassion and connection with others.

Goal setting and goal getting

Children develop important skills such as planning, perseverance, and self-discipline, which contribute to their overall growth and success

Emotional intelligence

Children can understand and manage their own emotions, empathize with others, and build strong, healthy relationships

Developing a vision for oneself

Cultivate a sense of purpose and direction, guiding their future choices and actions.

Let's be honest, it is an emotional rollercoaster when you are at a point where it is necessary to search for someone or something to help your child be the happy, confident, and socially acceptable child we as parents want them to be, when all they should be worrying about is having fun in whatever they do.  


Our son, the mature, talented athlete, empathetic 8 year old needed help. He was having a hard time understanding why some kids were just plain mean. We as parents noticed a change in his attitude, behavior, and emotions and thought he needed someone other than his parents to help coach him with dealing with the day to day motions as a young boy in a public school system. 


He had the opportunity to work with Julienne Kawai [at Stars Kid's Life Coaching,]

 and we've seen a great change in his overall attitude, ability to problem solve, confidence, and leadership skills. We loved that Julienne came with a set agenda specifically set for our son, and worked with him on how he can implement what they worked on into his day and overall interpersonal communication strategy.  We've noticed that he is coming home much happier, has become a strong leader in his class room, and much more confident in many areas in his life where he wasn't. 


We are very happy with what our child has received with this program and Julienne as his personal life coach, and plan to continue to have check-in's where we see fit.


Big thank you to Julienne!

Father of 8 year old boy

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